Certificate of origin
The certificate of origin is intended to prove the origin of goods in order to satisfy customs or commercial requirements.
As a general rule, it is the responsibility of the consignor of the goods to draw up the certificate of origin and obtain approval from our organisation.
The certificate is defined by Community regulations and must comply with precise drafting rules. It contains all the information needed to identify the goods to which it relates, and certifies their origin.
> To obtain this document and find out the rates, go to the dedicated GEFI portal: www.formalites-export.com
For a first connection, please make an appointment directly with our International Formalities department for personalised assistance.
Offices: 2, rue de la Lüjerneta - Athos Palace
Bloc A - 8ème étage - 98000 MONACO
Opening hours: du lundi au vendredi 9h - 12h30 / 14h - 17h
Contact: export@meb.mc / +377 97 98 68 68