The EUR1 certificate is a proof of origin that allows goods to be shipped from the European Union to a country or group of countries that have preferential agreements with the European Union. Production of this certificate enables the goods to benefit from reduced or, in some cases, even waived customs duties. It is stamped by the customs office at the point of exit from EU territory when customs export formalities are completed. It is the exporter who draws up the document.
> To obtain this document and the fees, go exclusively to the GEFI portal:
For a first connection, please make an appointment directly with our International Formalities department for personalised assistance.
Offices: 2 Rue de la Lüjerneta – Athos Palace – Block A – 8th floor – 98000 MONACO
Opening hours: Monday–Friday, 9 am–12.30 pm / 2 pm–5 pm
Contact: / +377 97 98 68 68