
Economic ties strengthened during MEB's  visit to Budapest
Economic ties strengthened during MEB's visit to Budapest
From 24 to 26 March, a delegation of about ten member companies of the Monaco Economic Board (MEB) participated in an economic mission organised in Bu...
The MEB continues its momentum in 2025
The MEB continues its momentum in 2025
On Wednesday, 19 March, the Monaco Economic Board (MEB) held its General Assembly at the Yacht Club of Monaco. This event provided an opportunity to o...
Jean-Christophe Caffet: global economy heads towards stabilisation despite turbulence
Jean-Christophe Caffet: global economy heads towards stabilisation despite turbulence
On Tuesday, 11 February at the Novotel Monte-Carlo, the Monaco Economic Board (MEB), in partnership with Gramaglia Assurances and Banque Populaire Méd...
Club Eco Monaco: Culture as a Driver of Economic Development and Attractiveness
Club Eco Monaco: Culture as a Driver of Economic Development and Attractiveness
On Thursday 6 February at MonacoTech premises, a new Club Eco Monaco conference organised by the Monaco Economic Board (MEB) and Groupe Nice-Matin exa...
Monaco - Zurich: A Successful New Collegial Approach
Monaco - Zurich: A Successful New Collegial Approach
The MEB, in coordination with the Attractiveness Unit, Monaco Private Label, the Embassy of Monaco in Switzerland and the Consulate of Monaco in Zuric...
The first edition of Barbagiuans Business Club scored points
The first edition of Barbagiuans Business Club scored points
On Wednesday, January 22, the Monaco Economic Board (MEB) partnered with Barbagiuans Business Club, a business networking event organized in collabora...
Business Destination Conference: Focus on Japan!
Business Destination Conference: Focus on Japan!
On Monday, 20th January at MonacoTech, the Monaco Economic Board brought together various entities it will rely upon during its upcoming economic miss...
51st Members' Rendez-vous: an effective business gathering
51st Members' Rendez-vous: an effective business gathering
On Tuesday, 21st January, the Monaco Economic Board organised its 51st Members' Rendez-vous at a new venue: H.S.H. the Prince of Monaco's Car Collecti...
MEB participates in first
MEB participates in first "Monaco House" on sidelines of World Economic Forum in Davos
On Thursday 23 January, the Monaco Economic Board was in Davos alongside major entities promoting Monaco's attractiveness on the margins of the World ...