51st Members' Rendez-vous: an effective business gathering
On Tuesday, 21st January, the Monaco Economic Board organised its 51st Members' Rendez-vous at a new venue: H.S.H. the Prince of Monaco's Car Collection.
Following a welcome address by Executive Director General Guillaume Rose, President Michel Dotta paid tribute to Minister of State H.E. Didier Guillaume, who passed away prematurely on 18th January; a minute's silence was observed.
During his speech, Michel Dotta also mentioned Frédéric Genta, Interministerial Delegate for Attractiveness and Digital Transition, who was present at the event and who recently requested a one-year leave of absence. The President thanked Mr Genta for his work since joining the Government six years ago, which exemplifies the Sovereign's wish, expressed at his accession, to see young generations of Monégasques study abroad to better serve their country upon their return.
The 350 executives and decision-makers in attendance then had ample opportunity to exchange business cards and meet with prospects and clients in a focused yet convivial atmosphere, within an exceptional venue that added a unique character to the event