Monaco-Russia Economic Forum : Building Bridges BetweenBusinesses



Monaco Economic Board (MEB) hosted 50 economic players from Russia brought together by the Russian CCI, Russian Union of Entrepreneurs and Industrialists (RSPP), and Business Russia on 16 and 17 December. Led by the presidents of these three major organisations, the delegation included representatives of the various regions’ Chambers of Commerce and high level businessmen and women from a wide variety of sectors. From Monaco, entrepreneurs from across the spectrum were present, including those who took part in the 2013 MEB Trade Mission to Moscow.

After a dinner at the Yacht Club de Monaco on 16 December, delegates gathered at the Hermitage Hotel on the 17th for bilateral presentations on the two countries’ economic strengths, followed by a networking session. A highlight was the signing of cooperation agreements between Monaco Chamber of Commerce (the MEB’s department focused on helping companies develop) and its Russian counterparts: Russia’s CCI, Business Russia and RSPP.


On this occasion, HE Mr Alexandre Orlov, Russia’s Ambassador to Monaco read out a message from Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev which said he “was convinced these agreements will play a role in developing links between the two business communities, and give new impetus to launch joint projects in business, investment and the scientific and technology fields among others”.

For MEB Chairman Michel Dotta: “The agreements we have signed today are a logical conclusion of our trade Mission to Moscow, organised from 2-5 October 2013 as part of HSH Prince Albert II’s official visit to Russia. On that occasion, partnerships were established or strengthened between Monegasque and Russian companies, and we laid the foundations for building bridges between our respective organisations. As a result, last January an official delegation from Monaco was in Moscow for the Gaïdar Forum to finalise the Forum project and sign inter-chamber agreements. It is only natural we should complete the process before the closing event for the Russian Year in Monaco.”

After an afternoon of round table discussions focused on specific areas with potential for future collaborations, the Forum concluded with a gala evening and recital by Denis Matsuev accompanied by the Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra in the Salle Garnier opera house.

While 2016 will celebrate the 10th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Monaco and Russia, the Business Forum and these agreements (the 16th, 17th and 18th to be signed by Monaco Chamber of Commerce with a foreign Chamber of Commerce) marks an important step in bilateral cooperation between the two countries